Monitering,Evalvation & Research Division(MERD)

This division will ensure quality of programmes from the very start of project planning to design, proposal development, monitoring, evaluation, impact assessment, and research studies. These exercises ensure the returns on every penny invested in social, economical and environmental development with positive impact on the lives of the communities. To achieve this objective, the MERD of PMCC provides practical consultancy services, research based knowledge production, pre-project study to ex/post project studies, review & impact studies, initial surveys to evaluation studies, and appropriate monitoring of the developmental activities.

Capacity Building & Professional Development Division (CB&PD)

Knowledge and skills are the basic tools for positive impact of every invested penny in social, economic, educational, environmental development of the communities; therefore, capacity building through training and professional development is a vital part of an entire development approach. The CB&PD division of PMCC is committed to build capacities of human resources through training and professional development to help people and organizations to become more efficient, effective and productive. The capacity building programmes of PMCC are based on contextual experiences, new knowledge and research findings. Further, PMCC accumulate contextual knowledge with modern theories to provide new knowledge and skills. These capacity building and professional development training courses will open up employment opportunities in the job markets and productivity of existing employees.

Our Approach Includes:

•To bring together a well-qualified, skilled team that offer both MER, technical and training expertise to work in the development context • To comprehensively understand the clients’ context in a particular area of development • To evidently and completely comprehend the clients’ objectives and requisites of the task • To implement and manage projects according to agreed deliverables, timelines and budgets • To effectively integrate data, conduct analyses using SPSS & STATA • To inscribe in-depth and valuable reports that enable our clients to easily understand findings and make use of the recommendations