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Building Sustainable Communities

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Our Top Services

Our Best Services

Monitoring, Evaluation & Research Division (MERD)

This division will ensure quality of programmes from the very start of project planning to design, proposal development, monitoring, evaluation, impact assessment, and research studies. These exercises ensure the returns on every penny invested in social, economical and environmental development with positive impact on the lives of the communities.

Training & Session

Knowledge and skills are the basic tools for positive impact of every invested penny in social, economic, environmental development of the communities therefore, training and professional development division of PMCC is committed to produce research based knowledge and help people and organizations to become more effective selves.

Professional Event Management

Events are very important in the development of communities, organizations and governments. NGOs, Entrepreneurs, Governments and donors invest in developmental activities to maximize impact and return. These institutions conduct conferences, meetings, training workshops, awareness sessions, product launching ceremonies.

M & E Consultancy

M&E consultants provide specialized advice and support in the areas of monitoring and evaluation, helping clients to track their progress towards specific goals. Monitoring and evaluation, also known as the short form “M&E” is an emerging field in international development.

Necessary to Become an M&E Consultant.

An M&E consultant should have a strong understanding of data analysis and evaluation methods in order to become an effective consultant. They should have the ability to critically assess and analyze data, develop evaluation plans, and design monitoring systems. Knowledge of quantitative and qualitative research methods is critical to success in this role

The Benefits of Being an M&E Consultant.

M&E consultants can work with a variety of clients, allowing them to gain a wealth of experience and develop an impressive portfolio. Evaluation of client needs and resources is a key strength that these consultants provide, ensuring that solutions are tailored to the specific situation. With a combination of technical, analytical and interpersonal skills, M&E consultants help organizations deliver long-term value, while contributing to the strategic goals and objectives of the client organization.

Our Portfolios of cases

Featured Case Study

As a consultant, your product is your expertise. Your content demonstrates your expertise. By creating and publishing content, you provide your potential clients with value and a “sample” of your expertise. If your content is helpful, then you’ll increase the chance they get to know you, like you and trust you.

Shahid Hussain



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  • By Admin - Jan 27, 2023

Why Monitoring and Evaluation Matter

  • Accountability

    M&E ensure that projects use resources efficiently and deliver promised outcomes to stakeholders, donors, and beneficiaries.
  • Learning

    They provide insights into what works and what doesn’t, helping organizations learn from their experiences and improve future projects.
  • Decision-Making

    M&E data support informed decision-making, enabling timely adjustments to strategies and activities.
  • Impact Measurement

    They help measure the long-term impacts of projects, demonstrating their value and effectiveness.
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  • By Admin - Jan 27, 2023

Best Practices in M&E

  • Define Clear Objectives

    Establish specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) objectives.
  • Develop a Logical Framework

    Create a logical framework or results chain linking inputs, activities, outputs, outcomes, and impacts..
  • Use Mixed Methods

    Combine quantitative and qualitative data collection methods to capture comprehensive insights.
  • Engage Stakeholders

    Involve beneficiaries, community members, and other stakeholders in the M&E process to ensure relevance and buy-in.
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